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Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

Prophetic Insights

  Plane Crash Kills OKC Bombing Survivor.  The Associated Press has reported that a former Army recruiter who survived the Oklahoma City bombing and testified against Timothy McVeigh died in the crash of a small plane. Sergeant Laurence Martin, 41, was said to have rented and piloted a small, single-engine plane that went down four miles from Wiley Post Airport. He was sole occupant of the craft. Martin joins a growing list of OKC survivors and witnesses who have died, some under mysterious circumstances, since the bombing incident occurred in 1995. Included on this list is a veteran local police officer who had angrily disputed the government's account of the "terrorist" attack. The press reported the police officer committed suicide.

  Veterans Call for Impeachment of Clinton.  A Coalition of American Veterans (CAV) has launched a news blitz asking the Congress, as the ultimate civil authority over the military, for the impeachment of Bill Clinton as Commander-in-Chief. CAV spokesman Colonel Ronald Ray states, "American mothers and fathers have a right to expect that the military leaders under whose care they put their children uphold the highest military standards...Dismissal of military commanders failing to maintain exemplary conduct is how America maintains very high military standards."

  The Secret War in Russia.  Totally unreported in our controlled press is the secret war raging in Russia between the Jewish Mafia and nationalist Russians. Super-rich Russian Jews committed to Israel, backed by the U.S.A., and supporting the New World Order, now have a stranglehold on the Russian economy. They also covertly rule Yeltsin and the Kremlin Government in Moscow. These wealthy Jews constitute a banking and corporate Mafia with strong ties to the global criminal element and the Russian Secret Police (old KGB). Opposing them is a loose coalition of former military brass, a growing middle class that is devotedly patriotic, and former Communists. The conflict between these two factions is potentially explosive and inflammable. The meltdown of the Russian economy has left the masses hostile, angry, frustrated, and susceptible to violence. They don't want a return to hard-line Communism, but they also despise the Jewish Mafia that now rule over them. Look for the powder keg to blow, possibly in mid-1999.

  The Thomas Jefferson Smear.  Recently, the liberal press had a ball claiming that DNA tests proved that Thomas Jefferson had fathered children with a black slave, Sally Hemmings. The report and research are pure nonsense. Even if such DNA evidence existed, the blood connection could be because one of Jefferson's many cousins, nephews, uncles, or a brother had sexual relations with Miss Hemmings.

Now, for the real reason for this hocus-pocus nonsense released to the public: At exactly the time the Jefferson DNA research was widely reported in the press, several conservative sources, including the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review newspaper, The Washington Times, and London's The Sunday Telegraph, were preparing mind-boggling pieces for publication exposing President Bill Clinton's illegitimate son! As I uncovered 
Bill Clinton reportedly had an illegitimate child by Bobbie Williams, a Little Rock prostitute. The boy, Danny, is now 13-years old.
several years ago in my audiotape and written investigative report, Sexual Deviancy and The White House. Bill Clinton, as Governor of Arkansas, had a long running relationship with Miss Bobbie Williams, an admitted prostitute. President Clinton's son Danny—whom he refuses to acknowledge—reportedly came out of this perverted affair.

To muddy the waters, just in case too many Americans discover the sickening truth about Clinton's foul past with a black prostitute, the politically correct White House evidently decided to trash one of America's foremost statesmen, Thomas Jefferson. Their hope is that many Americans will just sigh, shrug their shoulders, and say, "Well, Jefferson did it, so it is okay for Clinton to have done it too."

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