codex magica

Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Texe Marrs

Power of Prophecy and Tax Deductions

I cannot express to you how much I appreciate the kindness shown by the precious friends of the ministry who are led by the Holy Spirit to support God's work with your love gifts, tithes, and offerings.

As you know, Power of Prophecy is not registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Thus, our friends receive no tax benefit when they give to the ministry.

Praise God, our ministry friends have told us that they don't care a whit whether or not they get the pitifully small IRS tax break when they give to Power of Prophecy. They give from the heart, not for a tax advantage. Many of you have written to tell us, in fact, that you are more inclined to help us with love gifts, tithes, and offerings because Power of Prophecy does not bow down to the unconscionable, outrageous, and ungodly demands of the IRS.

Thank you, my dear friends, for your faithfulness to God's work through this ministry. I promise you, I will do my utmost to meet your high expectations of integrity and service to you, to our country, and most of all, to our gracious and majestic Saviour and Lord. Power of Prophecy continues to be an uncompromising beacon of truth in a world and nation in which most church and ministry leaders have, regrettably, sold out to the highest bidder.

Texe Marrs

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