codex magica mysterious monuments |
A Texe Marrs Exclusive Special Report
The Sandusky Connection—From Happy Valley and Penn State University to the Beast in Ohio
The Beast and the Masons |
In my bestselling—and eye-opening—book, Mysterious Monuments—Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places, on page 124, I take readers on a fascinating journey to Sandusky, Ohio, a city actually laid out as a Masonic square and compass. I also explain that the square and compass is, in fact, a symbol of the sex act, which is one of the chief mysteries of this occultic fraternity made up of demented, deceived men.
Freemasonry has powerful and influential roots in both Ohio and its neighboring state of Pennsylvania. It is ironic that Penn State University’s football coach, Jerry Sandusky, was recently exposed as a pedophile criminal. One wonders if both he, and his mentor and coverup accomplice, Coach Joe Paterno, are Freemasons.
The original city lay-out of Sandusky, Ohio |
The city of Sandusky, Ohio, apparently conceals a number of secrets unknown even to most of its citizens. First, the city was laid out in the occultly significant year 1818 (numerologically interpreted as 666) in the design of one of the most recognized of all Masonic symbols, the Square and Compass. The city designer was Major Hector Kilbourn. It is known that Major Kilbourn was an avid Mason and the Master of the first Masonic Lodge in Sandusky.
But, there’s more. It turns out that Sandusky, Ohio just happens to be home to Cedar Fair, an amusement park company whose main attraction is The Beast, the largest wooden rollercoaster in the world, located at Paramount Studio’s Kings Island in Mason (that’s right—“Mason”), Ohio. The Beast rollercoaster, Cedar Fair boasts, uses three 6-car trains, each holds 36 riders. Again that would translate to “666.”
At right: A popular Masonic ring designed with the Square and Compass symbol. The “G” inside the symbol denotes the Masonic deity, whose roots are traced back to Egypt and Babylon.
Below: Sandusky, Ohio is home to Cedar Fair, an amusement park company whose main attraction is The Beast, the largest wooden rollercoaster in the world, located at Paramount Studio’s Kings Island in Mason (that’s right—“Mason”), Ohio. The Beast rollercoaster, Cedar Fair boasts, uses three 6-car trains, each holding 36 riders. That translates to “666.” |

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