"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord."—Obadiah 4 |
"Hoodwink (definition)… the secrecy, silence, and darkness in which the mysteries of our masonic art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane."—Dr. Albert Mackey 33° Encyclopedia of Freemasonry |
"Magnificent Achievement," blared the headline in the Chicago Tribune newspaper. "Bravo!," trumpeted The London Guardian.
The year was 1969. In what appeared to most eyes as the most monumental and technologically incredible feat in human history, man had walked on the moon. Blasting from earth into space, NASA's Apollo 11 craft, carrying aloft three heroic astronauts, sat down on the moon's dusty surface. A breathless and ecstatic audience numbering in the billions were glued to their TV sets and radios. Then, they heard those historic words from the astronauts, "THE EAGLE HAS LANDED!"
Shortly thereafter, these same throngs of well-wishers saw Commander Neil Armstrong step out into the lunar environment and state the historic phrase, "One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."
A Clarion Call to Global Unity
A fitting and politically correct epitaph to a remarkable journey, was it not? A clarion call to global unity. No acknowledgement to the United States of America, the great nation that made it all possible. No patriotic mention of the military veterans who, over the centuries, fought and died to keep our nation strong and free. No thanks was given to suffering taxpayers whose dollars had paid for the nonessential, but propagandist, moon shot. And certainly, no honor was given, nor homage paid, to Jesus Christ, by whose love, ransom and sacrifice on the cross the whole world has been set free.
No, the Illuminati script called only for a nebulous acclaim for the human collective, of the "giant leap for mankind."
A Strange Ritual and Secret Ceremony
True, a small replica of our proud U.S. flag was dutifully carted off the Eagle lander and posted for all to see. But, then, a strange ritual of an entirely different sort, of a dark and ominous character, took place at Tranquillity Base on the moon. It was not beamed to the earth via television, for this ritual was carefully crafted beforehand as a secret ceremony, to be hidden and seen only by the eyes of the adepts of the Illuminati and its Masonic fraternity.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong carefully took out his Masonic apron and held it up for the cameras over his space suit as if to cover his genitals area-the power center, or dynamo, of Luciferian energy in Masonic ritual. Today, a photograph of Armstrong holding his occultic apron hangs on a wall at the House of the Temple, the sanctuary of the Scottish Rite, in Washington, D.C.

Astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin took this Masonic flag to the moon on Apollo 11 in 1969 and conducted a secret ritual. |
Next, brother Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, at the time a 32° Masonic initiate, planted on the moon's surface the real flag intended for honor, the flag the Apollo 11 had carried in its storage compartment, the flag with the Scottish Rite's emblem of deep and mysterious spirituality, the doubleheaded eagle.
The Phoenix Bird—The Doubleheaded Eagle
This, then, was the esoteric, but hidden and encoded meaning of the name "Eagle" for the lander. The cabalistic ritual script called for elevated man, initiated god-man, to "ride" the black phoenix bird, the "Eagle," to glory, upward toward the sun. God-man was to make his nest among the stars which decorate the black-garbed night, amidst the day-time canopy of the blue sky (the blue lodge).
"Houston, we have a problem," said actor Tom Hanks in the docudrama hit movie, Apollo 13. Indeed, they did. The Apollo 13 spacecraft was launched at exactly 13:13 military time, a bewitching moment. The official Apollo 13 emblem depicted the chariot and horses |
And so, following their occultly prescribed pagan psychodrama ritual to the letter, the astronauts claimed the moon for their Sovereign, whom they, the Masons, majestically address as The Great Architect of the Universe, known more simply as The Builder.
Just as Christopher Columbus, Hernando DeSoto, Ferdinand Magellan and all the great explorers had planted their flag and had claimed the land and territory they had discovered to be the legal possession of their respective monarch and country, the astronauts declared the celestial body of the moon to be the property of their own Noble and of his fiefdom. In their warped minds, the moon belongs to Lucifer, with title held by his high servant and potentate, the Sovereign Grand Commander, Supreme Mother Council, 33°.
NASA Manager a Mason
Meanwhile, back on earth, overseeing all, was Mr. Kenneth S. Kleinknecht, Manager for the Apollo Space Program.

This page 37 from Scottish Rite Journal (October 1994), the official publication of the Masonic Lodge, shows Kenneth Kleinknecht, 33°, NASA’s Apollo Program Manager, behind a featured display of Apollo 11 artifacts. The accompanying article discusses the Scottish Rite flag carried by Masonic astronaut "Buzz" Aldrin to the moon. |
Mr. Kleinknecht, now retired, is a 33rd degree Mason and, not coincidentally, is the brother of C. Fred Kleinknecht, the current Sovereign Grand Commander and titular head of all Scottish Rite Masons throughout the world.
The incredible and unheralded saga of Apollo 11, the moonwalk by the astronauts, their bizarre occult ritual, and the ownership of the Moon by the Masonic Order, are among the many mind-boggling revelations found in my newest, two-hour video, "The Eagle has Landed!"-Magic, Alchemy, and The Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space (Available in VHS or DVD).
Perhaps the most astonishing discovery revealed in this video is the fact that NASA's space program has from the start been founded on the principles of Masonic alchemy and the magic of the mystery religions of the ancients. The prophet Daniel told us that the last day's world ruler, the antichrist king, would be mighty, "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper..." Craft, as in witchcraft!
Nazis, Magic and Witchcraft
The earliest beginnings of the U.S. space program involved the secretive OSS/CIA project, Operation Paperclip, in which Nazi rocket scientists like Werner Von Braun were brought from war-torn Germany to America and given responsibility for development of space vehicles. The Freemasons were then put in charge of the newly created space agency, and magic and witchcraft were integrated and wedded with the newest advances in technology.
Crew of Apollo 13. Left to right: astronauts James Lovell, Jr.; Thomas Mattingly II (later replaced by John Swigert, Jr.;) and Fred Haise, Jr. In the foreground, at left is an octant, a navigation tool similar in shape to a Masonic compass, used aboard a ship in the year 1790. In the center is the Apollo 13 emblem, representing the sun god who brings man light, and on the right is a Hindu astrolabe, written in the sanskrit language, which was used in ancient times to predict the position of celestial bodies. |
Virtually everything that NASA does is permeated with magic and alchemy. Moreover, the real purpose of NASA is contained in another matrix, hidden from the public at large. This process involves the creation of Satanic ritual magic enabling the Illuminati elite to acquire and accumulate power even as the mind-controlled and manipulated masses are pushed into ever increasing states of altered consciousness.
As occultist Antero Alli comments in his book, All Rites Reversed, "The most mysterious and fascinating areas of ritual work involve those triggering mechanisms producing altered states of consciousness."
One is reminded also of the statement by Professor John Wu of Auburn University, "The truth is to know that everything is an illusion."
Theater and Hoodwink
This is the official logo, or emblem, of the tragic Space Shuttle Columbia mission during which seven astronauts recently lost their lives. It contains a number of esoteric symbols and messages, including representations of a phallic obelisk passing through a feminine circle shooting a star upward toward the heavens. Also, note the Israeli six-pointed star flag (but no U.S. flag), and the geographic nations map overseen by a sun symbol. |
In essence, the widely publicized successful flights and missions-and even the staggering tragedies such as the fate of the crews of the ill-fated Challenger and Columbia space shuttles-are masterfully scripted theatrical productions. It is all Grand Theater, hoodwink, in which some rather harmless rites are made public to deceive and charm the profane masses; while others, more sublime and evil, are concealed and known only to the elite.
Dr. Robert Anton Wilson, a well-known but unfortunately rabid anti-Christian writer on occult magic and conspiracy, touches on this when he wryly remarks, "Theater is, and has always been, magic."
My thorough investigation detailed in my latest video, "The Eagle Has Landed!," cuts through this magic and slices into reality. It is time for the fog to be dispelled and the truth to become known about NASA, the U.S. space program, and the Illuminati. After all, our Lord Jesus promised us, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."