The Devil, in his guise as the horned god Pan, plays his flute in this statue in Indianapolis, Indiana. |

This bust of a bearded and horned devil is found at the building in Hollywood which houses the Motion Picture Producers of America. |

Horned Celtic god from Germany. |

The Devil and a serpentine companion peer down at passersby walking below on the sidewalks of New York City. |

Mormon (LDS) temples and churches often use occult symbology in their architecture. This Sun Stone, from the original Mormon Temple, Nauvoo, Illinois, was the brainchild of Church founder, Joseph Smith, a Masonic initiate and occult conjurer. |

In Washington, D.C.'s magnificent Library of Congress, this horned devil decorates a wall in the Great Hall. |

Inside the fiery sun of this large zodiac clock on Bracken House in London is the face of a dark man. It turns out to be Sir Winston Churchill, who, as Prime Minister, pleased the Devil immensely by ordering Britain's Royal Air Force to execute a fiery holocaust that consumed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Dresden, Germany, a war crime perhaps unequalled in the annals of human history. |

Devils love to be placed within the keystones of arched windows. This one resides at Columbus and West 88th Street in New York City. |
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Face to Face With the Devil.