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Texe Marrs Exclusive Special Report

Texe Marrs

The 20 Top Conspiracy Theorists in Modern History

Conspiracy Hall of Fame

"No one in this modern day and age believes in the conspiracy theory of history—except those who have taken the time to study the subject."

Gary Allen
None Dare Call It Conspiracy

CONSPIRACY! The very word itself can have a surprising effect on people. Some are drawn to the word “conspiracy,” implying as it does mystery, the unseen, the truth hidden from view. Yes, some people are very interested in conspiracies. Usually, such people are more alert than others, more knowledgeable, less immune to official propaganda.

Indeed, the person who is willing to study and analyze important events to determine if they are caused by conspiracies is often blessed by the results of his discoveries. Such people are awake. This is because, in fact, there are many grievous conspiracies operating in the world. And these conspiracies often constitute clear and present dangers to our pocketbooks, our helath, even our lives.

The Cowardly Shrink From the Word “Conspiracy”

Others, however, no doubt the majority, shrink and run away when the word “conspiracy” is mentioned. Cowardly, they close their eyes and place their hands over their ears. “Please, please,” they plead, “don’t tell me about that. I don’t want to hear it!”

We’ve all seen this kind of person. Sometimes, their “comfort zone” being disturbed, these folks will throw a fit and strike out in anger at you for merely informing them of a conspiracy. So frightened are they, that you become their enemy simply for trying to help them understand the hard truth.

These ignorant people are like lambs being taken to slaughter. The wicked powers-that-be love a population that chooses to remain stupid and asleep. The better to take advantage of them.

Thank God For Those Who Are Awake and Care

Personally, I thank God for intelligent and caring people like the friends of Power of Prophecy Ministries who are awake and alert concerning the multitude of conspiracies that constantly confront us. Without you, who knows how bad off our nation and the world might be? But with your watching and monitoring, the wicked are unable to do their worst.

I am especially grateful to men and women who are leaders and who are diligent workers in the field of conspiracy research. They deserve to be recognized for their contributions to society on behalf of the search for truth. Unfortunately, such people rarely are recognized and honored. Exactly the opposite is true. The controlled media and the establishment castigate and hate them. The elitists are angered at the very thought of them.

Well, I was recently sent in the mail by my friend Victor Thorn a book he has published that does honor and recognize some of these men and women who are due our respect and admiration. Thorn’s volume is entitled, Conspiracy Hall of Fame, and it provides a brief background of 20 of the world’s top conspiracy theorists. Now I personally wouldn’t call these good people “conspiracy theorists.” I prefer the terms, “conspiracy researchers” or “conspiracy scientists,” but in this instance, I don’t intend to quibble because I believe that Mr. Thorn has done a valuable service in researching this subject and in shining the spotlight on some very deserving people, people whom society at large is either too afraid to honor or simply rejects.

Texe Marrs Named in “Conspiracy Hall of Fame”

Now let me say up front that I was surprised to find myself among the “Top 20” of this worthy list. Thorn says of my work, “With over a thousand newsletters, books, videos and audio recordings, Texe Marrs is undoubtedly the most prolific conspiracy researcher in history.” He notes that my research has delved into “forbidden knowledge, mysterious symbols, black science, brotherhoods,” and more:

“Showing his diversity, Marrs tackles the ‘terminator gene’ in Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos that allows the elite to control a monopolistic seed conspiracy. Circle of Intrigue shines a light on the unseen men who rule the world. Then, in his magnum opus, Codex Magica, Marrs cracks the Illuminati code concealed by a hidden language of occult symbolism.

His videos also push the envelope. Thunder Over Zion (VHS or DVD) depicts the interrelationships of bloodlines and a Jewish utopia. The Blind and the Dead (VHS or DVD) debunks the racket of greedy television evangelists. Cauldron of Abaddon (VHS or DVD) ties the most wicked biblical city on earth to Mystery Babylon, while The Eagle Has Landed (VHS or DVD) illustrates the history of NASA’s fascination with witchcraft, the occult, and Crowleyesque alchemical magic...”

Victor Thorn is himself a remarkably gifted writer and conspiracy scientist whose many books and articles—including one of our current offerings, New World Order Assassins—have greatly contributed to our continuing search for truth amidst the debris of lies cast at us by the elite and the establishment. That Thorn would pick me as one of the Top 20 is appreciated, although I am not sure I am deserving of such an honor.

The others he names—men like the late William Cooper, Jim Keith, Eustace Mullins, Antony Sutton, Gary Allen, William Guy Carr, and Gary Webb—are real standouts, and I do not at all suggest that my name is worthy of being in their league. Still, I am grateful to Thorn for recognizing my body of work. It’s nice to get an “attaboy” when, like me, at any given time you have about ten thousand establishment scorpions on your back trying their utmost to sting and harm you.

George Orwell

George Orwell

Gary Allen

Gary Allen

Antony Sutton

Antony Sutton

Des Griffin

Des Griffin

Jim Keith

Jim Keith

Eustace Mullins

 Eustace Mullins

Thank You for Your Inspiration and Encouragement

That is also, dear friends, why I appreciate receiving your courageous emails, letters, and comments thanking me and Power of Prophecy for all that we do. Believe me, I am extremely grateful, and you have inspired me more than you know. With your friendship and support and with God as my beacon light, how can I go wrong? Truth will prevail, even if huge obstacles often must be surmounted.

As for the living researchers honored in Thorn’s Conspiracy Hall of Fame, I note Michael Collins Piper, Michael Hoffman, Des Griffin, and Ralph Epperson among them. These men I count as friends, and I respect their work. And I also am a fan of Jim Marrs’ books. Jim, too, is one of the Top 20. His Rule by Secrecy is outstanding and his books on the JFK assassination and on the UFO phenomenon are classics.

The Mystery of Jim Marrs and Texe Marrs

Incidentally, over the years I have received a ton of inquiries asking me if Jim Marrs and I are related. Some want to know if he and I are the same person! A few enterprising people on the internet have even claimed that, “Jim Marrs is Texe Marrs wearing a hat and a beard for a disguise.”

Well, I know Jim Marrs—he’s a fellow Texan—and both of us find these claims amusing. Actually, Jim and I figure that we are probably “cousins” as a lot of the Marrs are related.

Jim Marrs Texe Marrs
The mystery of Jim Marrs (left) and Texe Marrs—a family resemblance?

Now Jim Marrs does have a beard and he wears a hat, so that adds to the mystery, doesn’t it? (Maybe beneath that beard and hat we will someday discover that he’s my long lost twin brother! Just kidding, I think).

From George Orwell to Mae Brussell

I wish to mention that Conspiracy Hall of Fame quite rightly also ranks George Orwell, of 1984 fame, as one of the Top 20, and a woman is discussed, too, Mae Brussell. Mae was a popular radio person back in the 70s. She was called by some the “undisputed queen of conspiracies.” Thorn’s discussion of her ideas is intriguing, especially since she publicly predicted a number of key historical events, and her predictions came true—the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, for example.

William Guy Carr Pawns in the Game by William Guy Carr
William Guy Carr, a Commander in the Royal Canadian Navy, was the first to emphasize the fact that Lucifer is behind the Illuminati and that it is a spiritual as well as a human conspiracy. His books published in the 1950s, like Red Fog Over America and Pawns in the Game are classics and worthwhile reading today, over a half century later.

I have not, in this brief space, mentioned all of the Top 20. You’ll have to get the book, and we’re offering it for just $10 (plus shipping & handling). In any case, let me just say that these are Victor Thorn’s picks. You may or may not agree. I can think of a number of people equally as deserving of recognition, and no doubt you can as well.

Nevertheless, it’s about time that conspiracy researchers received some long overdue credit. The media love to pummel truthtellers. You and I, and all who inquire into what we can call “true history,” often find ourselves the butt of jokes and the recipient, figuratively, of brickbat beatings. But in spite of the ignorance we daily encounter, we soldier on, unafraid of the controversy we so often stir up. Determined to ferret out the truth and nothing but the truth, we refuse to be deterred. No roadblock can stop us.

The Greatest Truthteller of All Time

After all, the greatest truthteller of all time is on our side. He told the truth and is the Truth. He was victim of a vast conspiracy of satanic evildoers. In a vicious and brutal attempt to stop Him, his enemies taunted, mocked, tortured, and finally, crucified Him. But gloriously, He rose from the dead and lives! Even the grave could not hold Jesus Christ.

With Him as our example, what do we have to fear? Truth is indeed, ultimately victorious.

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Power of Prophecy proudly offers the following best-selling books. Order your copy today!
Conspiracy World

Conspiracy World

432 Pages ~ $25.00

Mysterious Monuments

Mysterious Monuments

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Codex Magica

Codex Magica

624 Pages ~ $35.00

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

320 Pages ~ $20.00

New World Order Assassins

280 Pages ~ $25.00

Conspiracy Hall of Fame

57 Pages ~ $10.00

Solving the Mystery of Babylonn the Great

388 Pages ~ $25.00

Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie

112 Pages ~ $20.00

The Synagogue of Satan

320 Pages ~ $20.00

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Click to view excerpts from Texe's blockbuster documentary Cauldron of Abaddon, then order your copy today in either VHS or DVD!

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Thunder Over Zion

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The Blind & The Dead

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“The Eagle Has Landed”

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Vatican Rising!

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Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great

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The Police State is Now a Work of Art

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Rabbis Over the Vatican

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The Jews Are Preparing a Grave For America

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Rothschild's Plan for America

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“ Hey! You Can’ Say That”

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Religious Darkness Found in the Christian Church

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Impure Blood

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Bubbleology 101

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New World Order Assassins

New World Order Assassins

The world is a very dangerous place as many famous people have discovered to their peril. Victor Thorn reveals heart-pumping facts about some of the most spectacular "hits" in recent history: Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, George Wallace, Bobby Kennedy, the Son of Sam murders, Manchurian Candidates, the Columbine School massacre and others. Were these assassinations and crimes the work of "lone nut" assassins or the result of deliberate planning by intelligence agencies and mind control directors! Fascinating and eye-opening?

280 Pages ~ Victor Thorn ~ $25.00

Conspiracy Hall of Fame

In his intriguing Conspiracy Hall of Fame, Victor Thorn opens the windows on 20 of the top conspiracy theorists in history. Texe Marrs is honored to be one of them, and you will also find George Orwell, William Cooper, Antony Sutton, Michael Collins Piper, Des Griffin, Eustace Mullins, Gary Allen, Michael Hoffman, William Guy Carr…and more. Victor Thorn, compilator of this fascinating report, is himself a distinguished conspiracy researcher, as his many books prove, including the stunning, just released New World Order Assassins.

57 Pages ~ Victor Thorn ~ 10.00

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