As you know, at the end of 2017, Texe Marrs officially retired from Power of Prophecy Ministries and entrusted his legacy of publishing the truth to us, his trusted employees of many years. Many of you have called to ask about Texe and Wanda and how they are faring in retirement. As you can see, from Texe’s new book in the feature article of this newsletter, Texe is enjoying “retirement.” And, besides being Pastor of Bible Home Church (biblehomechurch.org), Texe says he is busy working on another new book. Wanda is still going like the Energizer bunny and is secretary for Bible Home Church. Along with these changes you’ll recall, at the beginning of April, after over 25 years at Patterson Road, we moved right outside of Austin to Spicewood. Although it was an enormous undertaking, we, even Ziggy the cat, are well settled. The new office is only 1 mile from Texe and Wanda’s home so we talk to them often and offer help as needed. We covet your prayers and appreciate your support as we continue this important work giving you cutting edge information, exposing the evil works of darkness and glorifying God through this newsletter, the radio program and our website, and also in continuing Wanda’s labor of love for those at the children’s home. May God richly bless you. |