Jerry Barrett has been with the ministry over 19 years. Jerry is the host of our weekly radio program, Power of Prophecy and authors the feature articles of our newsletter. He maintains our web-pages, posts our feature articles as well as News of the Day articles.

Michelle Powell is the Business Administrator and handles the daily operations here at the ministry. Michelle has been with the ministry over 24 years and her knowledge of business and the Bible is a marked advantage for us.
Sandra Myers is our graphics designer with over 25 years of service to our ministry. She lays out our monthly newsletters, as well as creating the exciting covers for Texe’s books, as well as other printed matter we distribute. Sandra will also contribute articles for our newsletter. Her knowledge of health care as well as the Bible, is a tremendous blessing.

Texe and Wanda Marrs founded Power of Prophecy Ministries over 30 years ago. As of January 1, 2018, Texe passed the mantle over to us to continue his legacy. Texe Marrs passed to his heavenly home November 23, 2019 to be with his Saviour whom he loved with all his heart. His wife Wanda and many of the grandchildren were by his side when he passed. We continue to honor Texe by posting his many sermons at Wanda continues to be a constant support to the ministry.