What We Stand ForWe believe that Jesus Christ is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and that He is, was, and forever shall be God and is the one mediator between man and God. We believe that the King James Bible is God’s perfect word, is without error, and is man’s authoritative guide for how we should live. We believe in the power of prayer, and that God alone has salvation power through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We believe that God is infinitely more powerful than the devil (Satan, or Lucifer), whom God has already defeated. We believe that, as Christians, we are commanded to expose evildoers and their works, that we must courageously stand up for truth and justice, that we must confront and defeat corruption wherever we find it, and that we have the right and the obligation to stand fast against wickedness in high places, whether on Earth or in the heavens. We believe in the power of Bible prophecy, freely acknowledging that God has preordained the future from the beginning and that He holds the future in His hand. We Are Not “Politically Correct”Power of Prophecy is not a neutral, compromising organization. We are biased in favor of the Truth. We are intolerant of injustice, lies, false teachings, hatred, inhuman cruelty, abortion and other forms of sin and depravity. We view the world through biblical lenses and always seek the mind of Christ. We do not shy from being branded “politically incorrect” or “religious extremists,” when these terms apply to our stand for Jesus our Lord, for righteousness, and for Truth. Power of Prophecy is neither Republican nor Democrat. We have no political party preference. Instead, we will consistently support whatever is good—and whatever and whoever is in line with the Truth, found in the Holy Bible. We are not a government-approved organization. Power of Prophecy has no interest in applying for IRS 501(c)3 tax exempt status, nor will this ministry participate in any “faith-based” government subsidy program. Government favors always come with strings attached, requiring groups to go along with federal propaganda and often unwise “public policy”—abortion, bloody wars, sex perversions, political corruption, etc. Friends who give donations and love gifts to Power of Prophecy receive no tax deductions, but we know that gracious givers are always amply blessed by God. About UsPower of Prophecy was started by our founders, Texe and Wanda Marrs over 30 years ago. As of January 1, 2018, Texe passed the mantle over to us to continue his legacy. Although Texe and Wanda have retired from Power of Prophecy, Texe continues as Pastor for BibleHomeChurch.org and Pastor Emeritus at Power of Prophecy. Texe is continuing to write books which we will publish. Wanda continues to be a constant support to the ministry. Our team now is Michelle Powell, Sandra Myers, and Jerry Barrett. Michelle is our Business Administrator and handles the daily operations of the ministry. She has been with Power of Prophecy for over 24 years. Sandra Myers is our graphics designer, doing our monthly newsletter as well as book covers, video covers, catalogs, and all other printed items we distribute. She has been with Power of Prophecy for over 25 years. Jerry Barrett, our radio host and author of the feature article in our newsletters, has been with Power of Prophecy almost 20 years. | |
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