Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Jerry Barrett

Is Anybody Out There Listening?

“Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given... Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:”

Matthew 13:9-14

“Will it ever end?” seems to be the prevailing theme among people today. When the China Flu was unleashed on the populace, the CDC originally categorized it as a form of influenza. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, claimed on national television that masks were not needed. Many public health leaders informed their citizenry it was okay to carry on with business as usual.

    The rabid followers of Saul Alinsky have been known to parrot their popular talking point: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” With the complicity of mass media—as well as social media—the crisis exploded exponentially. Governors, Mayors, council members, and public health officials all declared a plague was upon us and the only way to see our way out of it was through mass compliance.

Propaganda Rules the Day

In order to support this doom and gloom scenario painted by Main Stream Media, news outlets began showing the massive amounts of attributable deaths spread around the globe. To maintain this narrative, no mention was ever made of the comorbidities—whether it be obesity, diabetes, cancer, COPD, congenital heart failure, or others—many of the victims had.

    Anthony Fauci was able to finally achieve his lifelong goal of becoming world famous thanks to President Trump. With his newfound fame, Fauci set to work to “earn his keep” for Big-Pharma. Masks, double masks, vaccines and isolation seemed to be his only advice on how to deal with this so-called crisis.

What Happened to Early Treatment Protocols?

How quickly did the medical profession forget about treating the patient experiencing the onset of symptoms related to this virus? The Hippocratic Oath of “Do no harm” was expelled from the discussion. Sadly, many physicians cared not about the efficacy of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. When a brave few attempted to publish their successes with these treatments, they were shunned. Many faced harsh disciplinary measures brought forth by state health agencies.

    The political appointees at Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Surgeon General, and Food and Drug Administration continue to push these “vaccines” as the answer to our dilemma. We are constantly propagandized to trust the science, but nary a word is mentioned that thanks to the CDC’s approval and the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization” Big-Pharma has been given blanket immunity from any lawsuits due to death or injury.

    Recently, an Indiana life insurance company came across some sobering and staggering statistics. Deaths among people aged 18-64 are up 40%! They noted the only variable that has changed is the “vaccine.”

Dr. Robert Malone

Over the course of three decades, Dr. Robert Malone has established himself as one of the most competent people in the fields of virology and immunology. Why is he now considered “a pariah” by so many of his peers?

    Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer confirmed that hospitalizations in Indiana are higher now than they were before the “vaccine” was introduced. More than half of ICU hospital beds in the state are occupied by people with “other illnesses or conditions.”

The Largest Human Experiment in History

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, was originally a skeptic concerning the potential dangers of this gene therapy. Though it took some time, Dr. Malone has now speculated that we are undergoing “the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history.” Dr. Malone has stated:

“If this holds true, then the genetic vaccines so aggressively promoted have failed, and the clear federal campaign to prevent early treatment with lifesaving drugs has contributed to a massive, avoidable loss of life. Furthermore, we have also been living through the most massive, globally coordinated propaganda and censorship campaign in the history of the human race. All major mass media and the social media technology companies have coordinated to stifle and suppress any discussion of the risks of the genetic vaccines AND / OR alternative early treatments.”

Wokeism Infiltrates Health-Care

Have you heard the term “monoclonal antibodies?” Until this scamdemic, I had not. According to an article from the University of Minnesota entitled “Monoclonal Antibodies” they are:

“Antibodies produced naturally by the immune system recognize components of disease-causing agents to mark them for destruction. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are laboratory synthesized to mimic these natural antibodies. The mechanism by which therapeutic mAbs protect against infectious diseases is similar to that of natural humoral immunity, although the details of microbe elimination are not completely defined. mAbs may be particularly useful for patients with compromised immune systems who may not be good candidates for receiving a vaccine”

    Wikipedia explains the cost of this treatment: “Monoclonal antibodies are more expensive to manufacture...in addition to the enormous research and development costs involved in bringing a new chemical entity to patients. They are priced to enable manufacturers to recoup the typically large investment costs.” Basic business sense tells us this is fair. Research and development can be quite costly, especially when you are creating something never done before. Unfortunately for Big-Pharma, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have been FDA-approved for a long time and the patents for these drugs has expired.

    Enter the utilization of Monoclonal Antibodies to treat patients who are suffering from COVID. As with all things good, evil seems to lurk in shadows waiting to pounce. The Biden Administration’s Health and Human Services department is rationing how much each state can obtain.

HHS will determine the amount of monoclonal antibody treatment each state and territory receives on a weekly basis... This system will help maintain “equitable” distribution.

    A spokesperson for HHS spoke anonymously to a reporter with the Washington Post. The spokesperson is quoted in the article stating: “HHS will determine the amount of product each state and territory receives on a weekly basis... This system will help maintain equitable distribution.”

    A fact sheet issued by the FDA directed healthcare providers to administer monoclonal antibodies to those considered “high risk” based on race or ethnicity. How did the states implement this program? According to an article posted at Washington Free Beacon:

“In New York, racial minorities are automatically eligible for therapeutics, regardless of age or underlying conditions. In Utah, ‘Latinx ethnicity’ counts for more points than ‘congestive heart failure’ in a patient’s ‘COVID-19 risk score.’ In Minnesota, health officials have devised their own ‘ethical framework’ that prioritizes black 18-year-olds over white 64-year-olds—even though the latter are at much higher risk of severe disease.”

    Also, men have proven to be 60% more likely than women to die from COVID, but the FDA does not list sex as a risk factor anywhere. Several legal experts claim this is racial discrimination and clearly unConstitutional. The progessives will most assuredly dismiss this as white supremacy.

Is the End Near?

The despotism enacted by these tyrannical “leaders” will surely lead to our nation’s downfall. Fomenting hate and divisiveness seems to be their only gift to humanity. When the practice of medicine—the well-being of our neighbors!—is controlled by the “woke” crowd, the precipice is near. Jesus came for everyone, no matter the race or ethnicity. As the Apostle Paul succinctly put it:

“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Galatians 3:26-29

    Jesus explained that there would be many who have eyes but do not see; ears to hear but are deaf. Dear friend, our need to impart His wisdom and teachings are more imperative than ever. Surely the signs point towards His returning soon. “Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.“  

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