Sandra Myers
Would it surprise you to know that they are safe for you—at least at one time the scientific community, your government and mainstream media said that they were safe. Often marketed as NEW, doctor, scientifically and/or government approved, nothing could be safer and better...right?
Cigarettes (and Other Tobacco products)
In the 1930s and ‘40s during the glamor-days of cigarette smoking, tobacco companies successfully influenced physicians not only to promote the notion that smoking was healthful, but actually to recommend it as a treatment for throat irritation, asthma, bronchitis, hay-fever and influenza. Various tobacco companies designed, bought and paid for scientific studies which framed these tests as unbiased, proven facts.
Smoking was also marketed and promoted as a way to keep a pregnant mother’s baby smaller (for ease of passage); for digestion; and for weight loss (good for a woman’s figure and greater athletic ability in men).
Although reports of significantly increased lung cancer rates, previously rare, were reported by the 1930s, the credibility of these reports were disputed until as late as 1950. It wasn’t until 1964 that the US Surgeon General’s Report demonstrated the relationship between smoking and cancer. In 1986 it also concluded that passive smoking was harmful.
DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane)
DDT was first synthesized in 1874, but its insecticide quality was not discovered until 1939. Once hailed as a great boon to mankind, it was used in WWII to control various insects carrying malaria, dengue fever and typhus. (Due to tensions with Japan, the largest producer of pyrethrins, our supply of natural insect control ingredient was cut off.) By 1945, DDT was available for public sale in the United States. Advertisements even encouraged spraying DDT directly over your children to keep flies, lice and mosquitos away.
The logic of broadcasting potentially dangerous chemicals onto your children and in your homes, farms and the environment didn’t register with manufacturing corporations (money)or the public (told it was safe) at this time. With little prior investigation of environmental and health effects DDT was the new panacea to end pesky insects.
In 1972, the EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on its adverse environmental effects, such as those to wildlife, as well as its potential human health risks. (But apparently it’s okay to still use DDT in poor developing countries. I’m sure it won’t have any impact on long term well-being of African peoples and their environment for example. As the WHO says, ‘the benefits outweigh the risks.’)
Radiation and Radioactive Infusion
In the early 1900’s people believed that radioactivity was good for you. Following the Curie/Becquerel theory of radioactivity and subsequent pioneering work, the radioactive craze took off! Items marketed and sold included radium pendants for rheumatism, uranium blankets for arthritis, antiaging radioactive cosmetics, radioactive water, radioactive toothpaste, radioactive humidifiers with a breathing mask and more.
In one example, radioactive drinks were marketed to the public. A well-known industrialist, Eben Byers, fell and hurt his arm. Upon the advice of his doctor, Byers was said to drink three bottles a day of Radithor. The Wall Street Journal’s 1932 headline marking Byers death read, “The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off.” Another example are the radiation girls. The women who followed opportunity by going to work in the factories painting watch dials with luminous radium paint. Even Marie Curie and her co-laborers died of complications from radiation exposure.
Remember scraping your knee as a child and your mom would put Mercurochrome on your boo-boo as a disinfectant? The FDA banned Mercurochrome in the late 1990s due to many reports of mercury poisoning. But Mercurochrome is Eli Lily’s patented name for thimerosal. Even after banning this organomercury compound to treat your scrapes, it is still used widely as an antiseptic and antifungal agent to keep your vaccines fresh. Many countries have now phased out the use of thimerosal in childhood vaccines. Thimerosal is also found in many mascaras today. Various mercury compounds are still used in antivenins, nasal sprays, eye drops, stimulant laxatives, diaper-rash ointment, contact lens solutions, tooth amalgams, and tattoo inks.
Drugs and Food Additives
There are also drugs and food additives, too numerous to name in this article, which have been approved and then recalled in the United States. Powerful lobby groups and drug companies pressure (one way or another) the FDA for approval. Some of these drugs and additives have been refused by Canada and European countries.
The drug thalidomide is one such horrible human experiment. Marketed for anxiety, tension, sleeplessness and morning sickness. It caused blood clots, heart attacks, anemia, and neuropathy. Pregnant mothers found out the high price of the ‘morning sickness pill’ when their innocent children were born with severe deformities.
What Do These All Have in Common?
The commonality between the items listed here (and so many more) is that we have been told that these items were scientifically tested and governmentally approved and were considered ‘settled science.’ Then mainstream media hopped on the bandwagon in order to be your ‘trusted source for truth,’ beating the drum to urge on the stampede of sales by exclaiming, “This (fill in the blank here) is a great new product, is perfectly safe, and you can trust it.”
Reviewing what we know about approved, over-hyped drugs, vaccines, and products, only to later find out about the harm inflicted, we may conclude there is no such thing as ‘settled science.’ Settled science has now become merely a marketing term, just ask the advocates for Climate Change and evolution. The gruesome-threesome of your government, science, and media outlets design to appeal to either your fear or your fantasy (to grab your attention and to program your response and desire, often through trauma-based means).
Now, I’m not saying that science hasn’t given us many amazing and life-saving developments and drugs through the years, they have. However, as a discerning Christian, we are called to question what the world to telling/selling us—to be wise. As Jerry said in the feature article of this issue, you should ask yourself: Cui Bono (who benefits)?
P.S. It’s not only the vaccines and new drugs you should question but any new craze or over-hyped product (energy drinks and e-cigarettes also come to mind).