Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report
Desperate Survivors and Explosive TimesThe devastation in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast from Hurricane Katrina we all saw on TV dredges up memories we’d all just as soon forget—filthy water everywhere, but not a drop to drink, Starving, thirsty throngs of desperate survivors at the New Orleans Superdome, hospital patients euthanized because they had no food and no medicine. Rapes, crime, violence, looting. Think about it...when hunger and thirst hits everywhere at once in America, in all 50 states, what do you think will happen? Do you think the 25 million illegal aliens in our midst will just sit idly by and watch as long-time American citizens enjoy what is left of the scarce food, water, and shelter? Will heavily armed criminal elements and drug dealers among the blacks in the ghettos and the meth-crazed white population happily endure the empty shelves in their convenience and food stores? What happens when their welfare checks don’t arrive? How much rage will they express when disease and famine strike their neighborhood slums? Ordo Ab Chao of IlluminatiThe Illuminati elite know exactly what is going to happen. It’s been pre-planned and strategized in advance. Remember, their motto is "Ordo Ab Chao"—Order Out of Chaos. Hellish conditions, rioting, killing and desperation all bring opportunity for their Great Plan to work out. When the evil times explode around us, the United Nations World Food and Agriculture Organization will quickly assume power. The World Health Organization has its quarantine power ready, too. Those scary, dictatorial presidential executive orders I describe in my book, Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos will be rushed into effect. Like the executive order prohibiting "hoarding" of water and food by citizens and the executive orders requiring ration cards and the use of biochips, RFIDs or smart ID cards to identify all citizens. Then, no man may buy or sell, without the mark, a name, or number assigned by the Police State. Millions for "Detention Centers"In February, The New York Times reported that Halliburton Corporation subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root was given a $385 million contract by Bush’s Homeland Security Department to build detention centers on American soil. These will be in addition to the hundreds of camps already built for the American gulag system. Meanwhile, America’s global gulag continues under construction, as fleets of 737 and 757 aircraft ferry so-called potential "terrorists" to torture centers in Romania, Egypt, Belarus, and other countries. The savage dictators and cruel police in these countries do not hesitate to apply medieval-style torture and mete out death and punishment without limitations. Using Orwellian language, America’s insane Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Homeland Security Czar Michael Chertoff call this abduction and transport of terror suspects and government resisters "renditions." A new word for a New Age of horror. In fact, the Geneva Convention and over 225 years of American tradition forbidding the torture, humiliation, and degrading of prisoners of war has been hastily thrown out the window by the jack-booted thugs of the Bush Administration.
Other Police State innovations have also recently been introduced by Bush’s "Himmler Corps." Like the mind-boggling National Animal Identification System. Under new federal rules, by 2009, owners of even one pig, one goat, one chicken, one cow, or one sheep must obtain a 7 digit I.D. number and register the birth, health, whereabouts, and death of each of their animals in a newly created federal government database, at a cost of $3 to $20 per animal. The Coming Great Thirst—A Bonanza for the EliteNew water rules are also taking effect. Many states now require licenses before citizens can store even small quantities of water.
Meanwhile, multimillionaire investors like Texas Oil man T. Boone Pickens and UN environmentalist Maurice Strong have shrewdly bought up the underground water rights to millions of acres in Colorado, New Mexico, and the West, as well as in Canada. According to Newsweek (Sept. 2, 2002), Pickens owns 150 years worth of water, and he’s just waiting for the day when the parched, thirsting masses come begging him for a drink. He’ll have the water, he says, but it’s gonna cost them, and plenty! Thus, the far-sighted men of the Illuminati are braced and ready for the Last Days onslaught. Detention centers, foreign troops, water rights, vaccines, emergency medicines—all are in hand. The elite have what we need to survive, but it’s gonna cost us plenty: our freedom, our honor, our dignity, maybe our lives. Pride surely goeth before a fall. |