Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Jerry Barrett

A Two-tiered System of Justice

Justice or Just Us?

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

Proverbs 6:16-19

Whether it was uttered from our lips or from someone close to us, we have all heard the phrase, “If that was me, I’d be going to jail.” While this may have been an exageration in years past, today, in this age of tyrannical leadership in Washington, D.C., truth once again is stranger than fiction.

    The face of our federal government, resident Joe Biden, has been used as a willing pawn in the spate of criminal indictments and convictions of his party’s politial opponents. However, members of the Demonrat party have been given a free pass when it comes to their misbehavior.

    Recently, the Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, was charged with contempt of Congress for willfully refusing to turn over audio recordings of resident Biden during questioning by a special counsel. The very department that Garland leads has refused to pursue criminal charges.

    Sadly, this department has waged war on former President Donald Trump and his advisors. Peter Navarro is currently in prison and Steve Bannon has been told to report to prison on July 1st. The last person charged with criminal contempt was Rita Lavelle, a former federal environmental official, in 1983. The last person found guilty of contempt of Congress was G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame.

Congress or Criminals?

In 1999, an online politics publication named Capitol Hill Blue published an article concerning members of Congress at that time. Factual or not, the list of crimes perpetrated by these sitting members, who have been duly elected to represent We the People, is staggering.

    Some of the crimes reported included: 36 accused of spousal abuse; 7 arrested for fraud; 19 accused of writing bad checks; 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit; 14 arrested on drug-related charges; 8 arrested for shoplifting; and 84 have been arrested for drunk driving. Controlled media, nor Congress, will report on these claims. Instead, there were numerous articles by “fact checkers” who claimed this report was fake.

    As this author has stated in the past, how many of our elected politicians would we trust to babysit our children? Yet, Americans continue to place these same scoundrels in positions of power for years and even decades.

Above the Law?

Unbeknownst to millions of taxpayers, a slush fund was created in the 1990s to pay victims of sexual harrassment, assault, and discrimination. In 2017, the Office of Compliance released information that it had paid these victims more than $17 million. This is not one political party or the other, this is all of them!

    In early 1992 the House Banking Scandal revealed a multitude of House members who were allowed to “kite” checks with no repercussions. This scandal ultimately involved over 450 representatives, with twenty-two of them being singled out by the House Ethics Committee.

    One representative, a Republican from Arkansas, wrote almost one thousand checks with insufficient funds. If you or I were to write a “hot check” we would be charged with theft by check. Our political masters were allowed to escape scott free.

Rules for Thee, Not For Me

As youngsters, we were taught the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Instead, today, the new Golden Rule is: “Those with the gold make the rules.”

From The New York Post

    There is a two-tiered system of justice in America. While Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul allegedly violate insider trading laws willfully, countless others have been convicted and sent to prison for doing the same thing. This is nothing new to those who pay attention to the news.

    For a society to peaceably function, it is required of the masses to follow the rules of law. Most of these rules are crafted with the “best of intentions” for society as a whole. Christian’s know that God’s rules are established for our own good. By following His rules, society has the best chance of surviving.

Influenced By Scripture

Thankfully, our nation’s founders were heavily influenced by the Scriptures. As Proverbs 29:2 states: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

    In a Pew Research Center survey published in April 2020, it was noted that half of Americans believe the Bible should influence U.S. laws. Unsurprisingly, those who claimed to be agnostic, athiest, or Jewish overwhelmingly claimed that the Bible should hold no sway over laws.

    In Romans 1:16-18, the Apostle Paul writes: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth... For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;”

God’s Laws Supercede Man’s Laws

We should obey the laws of our nation, so long as they do not attempt to usurp God’s laws. A number of elected officials, as well as businesses, have been targeted for their Christian beliefs, especially that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Among the seven things that God hates from Proverbs 6, this particular issue can be categorized as “An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations.”

    All non-believers and so-called Christians who claim that abortion should be legal—as well as those who perform this heinous act—are guilty of “hands that shed innocent blood.” This practice is no different than murdering someone.

    We have all been guilty at some point in our life for telling a white lie. Likewise, we have accomplished something that was a great feat in our life and boasted of our success. Although we may view these as minor transgressions, these are things we must repent of and strive to never repeat. Though not as vile as murder, remember God hates these.

    Founded on biblical principles, our nation’s values have been on a steady decline. Politicians of all stripes have repeatedly violated our trust and dishonored our republic. When Joe Biden campaigned for the 2020 presidential election, he claimed he would be the unifier of our country.

    Instead, Biden, along with his handlers, have sown discord among the people. Both political party’s have driven a wedge between the haves and the have-nots. The divide in our nation continues to expand.

    As the signs of His return continue to grow stronger and stronger, we must be prepared. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:44:

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”  

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