Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report

Jerry Barrett

Cultural Marxism has polluted the minds of our youth and created...

A Snowflake Revolution

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

George Orwell, 1984

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

George Orwell, 1984

“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

George Orwell, 1984

The madness that has infiltrated society today was spawned decades ago at the Frankfurt School. The ideology known as “Cultural Marxism” was given a fresh identity and a hip moniker in the 70s and 80s—Political Correctness. Although the mindset was originally shared among conservatives and liberals, Political Correctness has become the dominion of the progressive, looney-left. Those who wield control of the sword of PC are now swinging it at the very foundation our nation was based upon.

    Instead of practicing compassion, empathy, tolerance and understanding, the radicals have deemed themselves the purveyors of a new culture known as “Woke.” Those who are “woke” are intimately tuned into proper and acceptable belief systems, as well as language usage. Orwell stated it best in his dystopian novel, 1984: “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

    Winston Smith—Orwell’s “everyman”—worked as a clerk in the records department at the Ministry of Truth. His job was to rewrite historical documents to match the ever-changing policy of Big Brother. However, unlike Orwell’s protagonist, today’s woke crowd doubt not the veracity of what they choose to change.

    Among the popular tools utilized by the woke crowd is canceling those whom are opposed to or have offended a member of woke society. Cancel Culture has been unleashed as a weapon of mass destruction against Christian values and long-held American traditions and monuments. During the recent protests and riots after the tragic death of George Floyd, the indiscriminate vandalizing, defacing, and the ultimate destruction of statues reached a fever pitch. Sadly, many of the youth perpetrating the destruction of American history are totally illiterate to the context in which these statues were consecrated.

    Destroying these historic symbols which included abolitionists, generals of the Union Army, black Union soldiers—along with Confederate leaders—does not reconcile with the alleged mandates of the Cancel Culture doctrine. However, you and I need to be canceled if we doubt the sincerity of their actions.

    Defining “Cancel Culture” is hard because there is no cause or ideology for what has been deemed necessary to be canceled. It is certainly not about free speech. There are a number of celebrities and business owners who have been canceled for statements or actions deemed offensive by the looney-left. I recently reported that Dave Andelman, the founder and owner of The Phantom Gourmet was forced to resign after mocking anti-police protests during the current pLandemic. Mr. Andelman sarcastically suggested Boston retailers offer “touchless, curbside looting.”

    Likewise, those who are left-leaning are less likely to be canceled. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam posed in blackface for a racist picture while in college. Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel likewise has donned blackface. Neither has been canceled.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam

If you are liberal and apologize you are forgiven. If you are conservative and apologize you are still canceled.

    Moreover, many in Hollywood have been exposed for posting hateful, racist comments on social media. After emotional apologies and confirmation that they are now “woke” all has been forgiven.

    The same cannot be said for conservative political commentators like Tucker Carlson. Advertising partners have been besieged with demands to discontinue advertisements on his popular show in an attempt to have his show canceled. A&E-TV canceled its most popular show, Live PD, to appease the social justice mob supporting Black Lives Matter. Viewership has since plummeted fifty percent.

    Former Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren claimed she was of Native American stock. Ms. Warren parleyed this “fake” family history into a professorship at Harvard Law School. Ms. Warren, a Democrat from Massachusetts, is a multimillionaire Senator. Her progressiveness has allowed her to continue in this post.

    The same cannot be said for the lovely Indian maiden who graced the packaging of Land O’Lakes butter for over ninety years. Known as Mia, she was drawn by Native American artist Patrick DesJarlait, a member of the Red Lake Ojibwe Nation in northern Minnesota. A statement released by the company did not mention a reason for why the maiden was removed from the packaging. Can one deduce she was canceled because of oversensitive snowflakes?

    Mia is not the only long-standing image to be removed. Aunt Jemima has been axed by Quaker Foods after 130 years. The company plans to rename its syrup and breakfast foods. In today’s woke society, an image that recalls antebellum plantations must be expunged from public space.

    Likewise, Uncle Ben will no longer be the face of Mars brand rice. In typical woke fashion, Mars released this statement: “We have a responsibility to take a stand in helping to put an end to racial bias and injustices... especially in the Black community... we recognize that now is the right time to evolve the Uncle Ben’s brand, including its visual brand identity.”

    The nationwide grocery chain Trader Joe’s has come under fire recently for their “insensitive” naming of products. High school students from California started a petition to remove “racist” names and ethnic depictions from some of their products. Refusing to kowtow to the snowflake generation, executives stated the names “represent lighthearted efforts at inclusion.” For now, Trader Ming’s (Chinese food); Arabian Joe (Middle Eastern food); Trader Giotto’s (Italian); and Trader José (Mexican food) will remain on the shelves.

Trader Joe's Items

With encouragement from patrons, Trader Joe’s fights cancel culture and says it will not change food names.

    All is not lost at Red Bull either. CEO Dietrich Mateschitz fired the top two executives for North America along with entire marketing teams dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism. Acknowledging that appeasement is never possible, these social justice warriors were swiftly removed.

    Real Estate looms on the horizon as a target for social justice. Many agents will no longer list houses containing a “master” bedroom, instead these will be referred to as “primary” or “principal” bedrooms. No longer will the stigma of “master” be foisted upon an unsuspecting house. Some builders have acquiesced and begun calling the bedroom an “owner’s retreat.” However, weren’t slaves property of their “owner?” Certainly this trend will die a quick and painless death.

    The explosion of social media and the ever-expanding reach of the Internet have enhanced this cancel culture. Boycotts and protests can be organized in a short amount of time, and the reach is enormous. Though a tool predominately used by the left, the right side of the spectrum is not without guilt. An example of this would be the current boycott of the National Football League by many who are angered at players kneeling during our National Anthem.

    Our country was founded on the exchange of information and ideas. Today it is common to hear calls for retribution to a perceived transgression. Boundaries are steadily being narrowed. Christians who stand on the Holy Word of Jesus are targets as well.

    If you believe, as I do, that life begins at conception, you will be accused of waging war on women by denying them the option of abortion. As for marriage, Christians know that it is a union between a man and a woman. This leads to cries and screams of homophobia and intolerance.

    How should a Christian respond to this? Persecution is a call to courageous perseverance. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy states:

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;” (2 Timothy 3:12-14)

    We know that our belief in Christ Jesus will not be popular with those of the world. Take comfort as Jesus tells us:

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” (John 15:18-19)

    Seek the reward of God before the acclaim of culture. As for me and our Power of Prophecy family, we choose to engage with truth and grace.  

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