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Illuminati 4: Genocide & War
Illuminati 4: Genocide & War
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    Illuminati 4: Genocide & War

    Illuminati 4: Genocide & War
    Satanists start wars to kill the goyim, especially Christians and assimilated Jews. Wars destroy Christian civilization, kill patriots, and concentrate wealth and power in Illuminati hands. Freemasons on both sides initiate every major war. Ukraine and Gaza are not exceptions.

    This collection, the first since Illuminati 3—Satanic Possession (2014) explains that an ancient, diabolical conspiracy is now reaching fruition.

    We gave our national credit cards to people who hate and destroy us. The money supply is the lifeblood of the economy. The Rothschild banking cartel creates the money supply out of thin air as a debt to themselves. Our governments are capable of doing this debt-and-interest free. The Rothschilds plan a third world war to ensure they never do.

    Trump, Putin and Netanyahu belong to Chabad, a Jewish supremacist doomsday cult that controls Organized Jewry and consequently the world.

    To fulfill “biblical prophecy,” Chabad is plotting a nuclear apocalypse to summon the “Messiah.” Chabad regards all non-Jews as insects born to serve the Jews. Squatters on the planet earth, “non-Jews” must be evicted. “Jew” is defined by the embrace of Lucifer not by race. Racial Jews who reject the Jewish Antichrist will be exterminated along with Christians. The source of all our problems and addictions: Satanists have severed our soul-connection to God.

    Order Your Copy Today!
    Henry Makow ~ 200 pages ~ $20.00

    Three ways to order: Order online now, or, if you prefer, phone us toll free 1-800-234-9673, or 512-263-9780 (Monday-Friday, 8-5 CST). You can also simply send check or money order to: Power of Prophecy 4819 RO Dr. Ste 102 Spicewood, TX 78669 [Please include 10% for domestic shipping and handling ($6.00 Minimum). To cover international shipping and handling, include 40% of the cost for DVDs, Tapes & CDs, and 60% of the cost for Books ($26.00 Minimum).]


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