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(CD) July 2024 Set
(CD) July 2024 Set
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    Secrets (Volume 332): Jerry Barrett hosts and brings forth eye-opening secrets and facts so often covered up by the mass media: (1) Thank you for your support of our air conditioning project; (2) Michigan man attends a remote hearing for his driving without a license case…and the plot twist is comical; (3) Texas Governor Greg Abbott pardons former Army sergeant after he was convicted of murder; (4) Bank of America de-banks conservative reporter who’s documentary exposed the FBI plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer; (5) Idaho receives a massive influx of retired and active-duty police officers from California; (6) Liberal judge in Washington, D.C. releases a teenage shooter on bail; (7) Pothole Pete on the hot seat again about the Biden Administration’s ineptness at bringing EV charging stations online; (8) United States taxpayer dollars are being spent to promote LGBT events worldwide during June; (9) Equity requirements have been proposed for kidney transplants to prevent “racial bias;” (10) Illinois state legislature wants to mandate “climate” brainwashing of children; (11) California, the self-proclaimed leading edge combating climate change, places multiple cities in the top ten of most polluted cities in America; (12) Chicago braces for destruction during the Democrat National Convention even with $75 million of taxpayer money allocated for security; (13) Progressive state senator in California finally draws a line over absurd law regarding pedophile prison sentences; (14) Boston’s woke mayor believes “quality of life” crimes should not be prosecuted; (15) American Airlines blames 9-year old girl for being filmed in the aircraft restroom by a flight attendant; (16) Why would a pizza delivery guy in Houston, Texas carry a gun at 11pm while working?

    Information Overload (Volume 12): Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome investigative reporter Pat McShay to the program. Items covered in this fast-paced edition include: (1) Controlled media outlets are laying off hundreds of reporters or facing bankruptcy; (2) Rumors of resident Joe Biden’s cognitive ability are becoming louder; (3) Is Barack Obama fulfilling his own prophecy of running the country behind the scenes?; (4) Kamala Harris, while appearing on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show, was harassed by...liberals!; (5) James Biden, along with Hunter Biden, may finally face a day of reckoning for their corruption; (6) Shocking report exposes the group behind the transportation of illegal immigrants to America; (7) Will the influx of Muslim’s into America lead to Sharia Law? (8) Mad Maxine Waters is spewing more rhetoric that whites want to start another civil war; (9) Sudden deaths are up forty the “vaccine” to blame?; (10) World Health Organization leader places target squarely on the back of non-vaccinated; (11) Will another scamdemic help the Demonrats with the “Big Steal” again in 2024?; (12) Is the Biden regime hurtling America towards World War III?

    They Lied People Died: America is still suffering the after affects of the COVID-19 scamdemic. Now come revelations about the so-called vaccine and it’s multitude of adverse events that controlled media will not investigate. There are, however, a number of brave doctors who are speaking out about the potentially devastating affects this jab will have on the world’s population. Although we now know the virus was engineered, the question becomes is it the virus or the “vaccine” that is the actual bioweapon? What further maladies could be lurking around the corner?

    The Big Steal 2024?: A confluence of nefarious factors appears to be leading America towards a repeat performance of the 2020 election cycle. Controlled media are pushing the possibility of a “new, more deadly” pandemic, many states are passing laws to allow mail-in ballots to become the norm, and nothing has seemingly been done about ballot stuffers and tabulating machines that can be manipulated. Moreover, illegal aliens are being given an opportunity to vote in their “local elections.” Surely nothing could go wrong there, right? A war has seemingly been declared by the Marxists to transform America into a socialist state. Can it be stopped?

    Equity: Jerry Barrett is pleased to welcome Sandra Myers to the program. The word equity has been turned on it’s head, changing good for evil. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is anything but diversified, equitable or inclusive. Included are some of the perverse ways that the new equity has manifested: prioritizing kidney transplants; airlines hiring by DEI standards instead of best qualifications, and more. What does the Bible say about equity?

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