Power of Prophecy

February 2002 (VOLUME 2002-02)
Published Monthly and Periodically by Power of Prophecy
1708 Patterson Rd., Austin, TX, 78733

Phone toll free: 1-800-234-9673
Our websites: www.powerofprophecy.com
and: www.conspiracyworld.com


Two On A Saddle (Part II)


Power of Prophecy Radio Program Schedule

Check out these intriguing POWER OF PROPHECY reports
(Click on (Tape) to choose Cassette, or (CD) to choose Compact Disc)

The Tears of Jesus—What Would Make Our Lord and Savior Cry? (Tape only)

The Secrets of God (Tape only)

The Three Secrets of Fatima—The Vatican's Greatest Hoax of the 20th Century (Tape only)


(Click on (Tape)—to choose Cassette, or (CD)—to choose Compact Disc)

Aquarius Rising—The Secret Masonic/Illuminati Ritual Initiations of September 11, 2001 (Tape) OR (CD)

Thy Kingdom Come: Hidden Prophecies in the Lord's Prayer (2-Hour Set) (Tape only)

Unleashing the King of Terrors—The Day the Illuminati Attacked America (Tape) OR (CD)

Two on a Saddle—Unmasking the Sexual Perversions of the Illuminati (Tape) OR (CD)

The Crescent Moon, the Star, and The Black Stone—Unmasking the Evils of Islam (Tape) OR (CD)

The Error of Babylon (Tape only)

Order of Skull & Bones—Eye-Opening Revelations From My Latest Research (Tape) OR (CD)

The Shriners—Allah's Islamic Cult Inside the Masonic Lodge (Tape) OR (CD)

Are Lesbians and Homosexuals Demon-Possessed? (2-tape set) (Tape only)

Who Are God's Chosen People (2-Tape Set) (Tape) OR (CD)


Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos—The Coming Great Food Shortages in America

Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light

Project L.U.C.I.D—The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System

Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy

Mystery Mark of the New Age

Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away

New Age Cults and Religions

New Age Lies to Women

Ravaged By the New Age: The Plan to Destroy Our Kids

Dark Secrets of the New Age

Letters on Freemasonry

(Click on (VHS)—to choose VHS video, or (DVD)—to choose DVD disk)

The Coming Great Thirst—That Astonishing Day Just Ahead When Water Shall Be No More (VHS) OR (DVD)

Is The Pope Catholic?—Shocking Revelations About the World's Most Powerful Religious Leader (VHS) OR (DVD)


Sangean ATS-404 AM/FM/Shortwave Radio

British Berkefeld "Big Berkey" Emergency Water Filter ($10 for Shipping/Handling)


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